Monday, April 26, 2010

Last Week for Apex Apples

It's the last week of April and that means it's the last week to buy apples from Apex Orchards in Shelburne. We stocked up last week on Braeburns and Empires and now have two refrigerator drawers full of apples to last us another few weeks. We have found that these long-stored apples are still in pretty great shape as long as you keep them refrigerated after getting them home--but kept out in the fruit bowl, they go downhill pretty quickly.

Once the apples are gone, we'll be into the spring fruit gap as we wait for strawberry season to begin in June. As I write this, it is cool, gray, and rainy outside, making June seem very far away - but really it's only a few weeks. Soon we will be picking strawberries in the hot sun!

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