Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Snap Peas and Snow Peas

I haven't noticed peas at the farmers market yet, but I bet they're coming soon. We have been picking early snap peas in our garden for a week or more now. Snap peas and snow peas are great eaten right off the vine (or out of the box from the market), but if you have enough to survive that step, you can also:

1. Use them in green salads, either whole or chopped
2. Put them in a stir-fry, perhaps with some early carrots, spring onions or bunching onions, and chicken or tofu
3. For a side dish, stir fry very briefly with sesame oil and a dash of soy sauce. Add a little grated fresh ginger if you like. Top with a sprinkling of toasted sesame seeds.
4. Steam lightly and serve tossed with a little chopped fresh mint or basil

And, of course, you can always freeze some for later, too. Blanch very, very briefly, then dunk in ice water. Dry and freeze in a freezer bag. Tray freeze for 30 minutes or so first if you want to be able to take out just a few at a time after they're frozen.

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